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Jesuit Education
Jesuit education is inspired by a vision of man drawn from the life and teaching of Jesus Christ and based on the principles of character formation elaborated by St. Ignatius of Loyola. Jesuits engaged in educational work throughout the world for the last 400 years, re-affirm their conviction that the formation of youth through their educational institutions continues to be one of the foremost services they can render to their people. They believe that an essential need for their country is for a community of persons with deep faith, a sound knowledge, intellectual and emotional maturity and moral integrity; persons able and willing to render generous service to their fellowmen in building up truly human society. It is therefore, to the formation of such a community of persons that they commit their educational institutions.
Ignatian Pedagogy
Praise, reverence and service should mark the relationship that exists not only between teachers and students but among all members of the school community. Ideally Jesuit school should be places where people are believed in, honored and cared for, where the natural talents and creative abilities of persons are recognized and celebrated; where individual contributions and accomplishments are appreciated; where everyone is treated fairly and justly: where sacrifice on behalf of the economically poor, the socially deprived and educationally disadvantaged is common place; where each of us finds the challenge, encouragement and support we need to reach our fullest individual potential for excellence; where we help one another and work together with enthusiasm and generosity, attempting to model concretely in word and action the ideals we uphold for our students and ourselves.
Our History
Union High School, the pioneer English School in Salcette, Goa was founded on 13th July 1899, by the late Roque Santana Gracias. In 1932 it was acquired by the Archdiocese of Goa in the time of H.E. Dom. Theotonio Vieira De Castro, and called St. Theotonius Union High School. In 1944 this institution was entrusted to the Goa Jesuits Society by H.E. the Patriarch Dom Jose Da Costa Nunes. Now the school is known as Loyola High School, so named after the Founder of the Jesuits, St. Ignatius of Loyola. The same institution has a Higher Secondary in the Arts and Science stream. ​ The School, which is recognized by the Government of Goa , and prepares pupils for the Secondary and Higher School Secondary Certificate Examination is owned and managed by Jesuit Education Society (Goa) which belongs to the Christine Religious minority group and therefore enjoys the rights and privileges guaranteed by Art.30(i) of the constitution of India. The Society of Jesus to which the Jesuits Fathers and Brothers belong, is a Christian Religious Order founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in 1540. Active in the field of education throughout the world since its origin, the society conducts in India nearly 100 high schools and over a dozen colleges in which thousands of young people belonging to every social class, community and linguistic group are being educated through the medium of both English and the regional languages. These institutions are part of the Catholic Church’s efforts to share in the country’s educational undertaking. This effort while being particularly responsible towards the Christian community, has always been at the service of the whole nation.
School Emblem
RED - stands for ARDOUR(corde magno) arduous heart
BLUE-stands for DETERMINATION (animo volenti)determined spirit.
The SHIP represents the individual soul journeying on the sea of life; it also represents the school setting out on its course in the educational world. There is something of high endeavour, a spirit of enterprise, of hope in one’s destiny… all typified by the ship of an intrepid explorer.
The STAR is the sign in the heavens by which the mariners find their way. In the same manner the soul looks to heaven for light and guidance, and receives grace to see its way, and the courage to follow it.
The BOOK symbolizes study, Which is the chief means open to a school to attain its objective.
But study should be directed by Wisdom, symbolized in the LAMP, which is lit. The aim of our studies is to achieve Wisdom.
The monogram I.H.S., the monogram of the society of Jesus (The Jesuits) is also made to stand for ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA, Patron of this school. The spirit of the Society of Jesus and that of St. Ignatius are considered synonymous.
The CROSS which surmounts it all, is the sign by which we do everything: “In the Cross is Life”.